Tuesday, November 07, 2006

MELTDOWN 'O6 report from Denver, CO

BLOGGED BY Brad ON 11/7/2006 1:19PM
MELTDOWN '06: 'Voting Nightmare' Reported by Denver Post
Dems Seek Extension of Voting Times after Hundreds of Voters Turned Away from Polls as Machines Fail…
'We Will Not Get to Vote Today' Says Voter Turned Away After an Hour Who Had Arrived at 6:45am…

From Denver Post…
Democratic party leaders are planning to seek a two-hour extension for voting in Denver, due to massive computer problems which have created long lines, and kept many from casting their vote.

The problems began right at 7 a.m. as computer problems at the voter-check in stations bogged down, creating a bottleneck in the first hour of voting as a rush to the polls overloaded the system.

At Denver Botanic Gardens, more than 200 voters backed up in a line that stretched out of the gates and down the block more than half way to 11th Avenue.

"We will not get to vote today," said a frustrated Lauren Brockman as he left the Botanic Gardens.

He lined up at 6:45 a.m. hoping to beat the rush, only to stand in line for close to an hour before leaving.

But an hour wait was short, compared to some.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill Ritter stood in a long line at the Washington Park Recreation Center in Denver to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006. He arrived about 7:45 am and left at about 9:30 am after voting on computerized voting machines which contributed to the delay. (Post / Lyn Alweis)

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